David A. Cushman logo  
IINGRIDD Logo, designed by Ron Hoskins   Newsletter

Instrumental INsemination GRoup Information Dissemination Day


BIIG (formerly IINGRIDD) and it's website are no longer in existence. This page will be retained for historical purposes only. Names and contact details have been retained, but it is not advisable to contact them unless you know they are still with us.

Issue No. 1 30 July 2002


Hi to you all, I am Dave Cushman, and for better or worse, I am now your newsletter editor. I hope to provide information under the category headings that were discussed by those of us that were at the July 6th meeting of IINGRIDD.

By now you will have received Ron's write up of the meeting, which is archived on the http://www.dave-cushman.net/bee/iingridd.html page of my website.

This first issue of our newsletter will have little content as it will be basically an initial run to prove the system and find faults. I would also request that when you receive it, you send a reply by the same method so that I can check that all the addresses are correct. Those that receive postal copies can also phone to confirm receipt.

There are already a few problems with the list that I have...

maureen@greystonem.freeserve.co.uk... unrouteable mail domain "greystonem.freeserve.co.uk"

jonathonfulford@bartholemews.co.uk... unrouteable mail domain "bartholemews.co.uk"

tony@herbert5.freeserve.co.uk... unrouteable mail domain "herbert5.freeserve.co.uk"

Postcode required for John Blakesley, Full address, phone and Email required for Mark Elsigood. The spelling of my postal address is slightly incorrect in most lists... It should read Syston not Siston.

If anyone receives a printed copy and was expecting an Email version, it means that my list is not up to date. To rectify this please give your updated or corrected details by Email.

There is no schedule laid down for issues as new information is itself sporadic. Each issue will be sent by Email with printed copies posted to those members that are not yet on-line. Web links and Email addresses will be 'hot' and thus only a click away. Apart from individual members I intend to circulate electronic copies to a few beekeeping associations and breeding groups that have expressed an interest.

The content will be first and foremost instrumental insemination topics, but related queen and drone raising will be included. Do not be bashful... If you have something to say, send it to me and I will include it. This is your newsletter, not just a platform for my views.

A note from Chris Perkins...
The marker pens seen on the German video to mark the drones, looked very much like a ' edding 751 paint marker ' the manufacturer prints on the pen ' low odour ink, light fast, opaque, no addition of xylene, water resistant on most surfaces '   They are available at most stationary shops.

The categories requested are:-

Equipment Supply Sources

Self explanatory... But to include full kits of insemination equipment.

Insemination Weblinks

I will try to find at least one new link for each issue. There are a great many pages with II content on my website, some of these are a bit ragged in places or are only part complete. The main index is available at http://www.dave-cushman.net/bee/textlinks.html I envisage making a separate index with II links only, but that will not occur quickly.

Books & Videos

It is not very often that new titles come along, but I will announce any new ones and will compile a list that I will place on the IINGRIDD page of my main website.

What's New

This will be included if there is something new to report, for instance, I have received detailed photos of the new left handed instrument from Peter Schley. Whose information is copied below in German & English.

prices for instruments... (plus shipping air mail, insurance)

Geräte (devices)

1) Standardgerät mit Lochhaken komplett in Gerätebox (basic equipment, hook with hole - complete in box) Art.-Nr....1.00, 1166,00 EURO

2) Standardgerät mit Stachelgreifer komplett in Gerätebox (basic equipment with pressure grip - complete in box) Art.-Nr....1.01 1261,00 EURO

3) Modell II mit Standard-Spritzenhalter und Stachelgreifer komplett in Gerätebox (model II with basic syringe holder and basic drive, with pressure grip -complete in box) Art.-Nr....1.02 1293,00 EURO

4) Modell II in Gerätebox komplett mit beidseits bedienbaren Spritzenhalter und Trieb, mit Linksausleger und Stachelgreifer komplett in Gerätebox (model II with Syringe holder II and drive II (double-knobs), with pressure grip and arm for left handers - complete in box) Art.-Nr....1.03 1372,00 EURO

Prof. Dr. P. Schley     Bee - Breeding - Equipments
D 35444 Biebertal     Am Holzapfelbaum 21
Telefon: (06409) 80 150     Fax: (06409) 80 151
E-mail: Peter.Schley@t-online.de     Homepage: http://www.besamungsgeraet.de

Bank connection details:
Dr. Schley, Volksbank Giessen, BLZ: 513 900 00, Konto-No: 60 41 41 14
(Volksbank Giessen, 35390 Giessen, Germany = Genode 51 Gi 1)/ SWIFT CODE: GENODE55

These pictures are available at full size and higher definition, on my website, just click on any picture.

the new at left, old at right

right handed left handed
Picture above is left handed setup
Left picture is right handed

Group Business

Here will be the inevitable reminders about paying your subs. For those of you that have forgotten to do this... Please send a cheque to Ron Hoskins (address at page bottom) for £5 made out to... 'Instrumental Insemination Group'.

Forthcoming meetings and events will be announced here.

Which brings me neatly to our first problem...
Our meeting of 6th July was not very well attended. The meeting had been set for this date in order that queens and drones would be more easily producible and thus more readily available.

We would like to find out from members their reasons for not attending, so that we can set dates for future meetings that will be more acceptable and will result in a higher attendance. The current proposal is for June or July for next year, but no date has yet been fixed, Please indicate your preferences by Email to Ron or myself.

Editors note... the printed copies may not be a very 'pretty' layout, as the design is done to suit browsing rather than printing.

Our President is not yet computerised
Ron Hoskins
10 Larksfield
Swindon Wiltshire, SN3 5AD
Tel: 01793-525364
John Pollard 14 Eastfield Gardens Tonbridge Kent TN10 4NB
Tel: 01372 36130
Hatfield Terrace
50 St. Peter's Street, SYSTON
Leicestershire, LE7 1HJ
Tel: 0116 260 2527

 Written... 30 July 2002, Upgraded... 20 April 2006, Revised 30-11-11,