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Roger Patterson - Lectures

Roger's list of beekeeping lectures

I speak and demonstrate widely, being one of the most prolific speakers in the country, with many of my presentations being all day events. This is in addition to my own local BKA at Wisborough Green BKA, where I am one of the demonstrators. In 2013 I gave 57 presentations or demonstrations to BKAs or events other than my own. Since then and until COVID-19 in 2020, I have exceeded 60 events per year. These include "lectures", practical demonstrations and being on Q&A panels. I also give webinars of many of my titles.

I have never been happy at using the term "lecture", because I don't consider I lecture to anyone. I simply pass on the information that bees and other beekeepers have taught me in 60 years of beekeeping. Most of my material is based on practical beekeeping, because I think most beekeepers want to understand their bees, so they can keep them better. I do not read books, then tell the audience what I have read. As I regularly say, I tell beekeepers what I know, not what others know. This often conflicts with mainstream thinking, because I have observed what bees do, not what humans think they should do. I prefer to use the term "presentations".

I am often asked for my list of titles, so I have placed them here in a printable PDF. Just click on the button on the top left. They are updated regularly and I currently have well over 60 titles. There is bound to be some overlap, but all are genuine titles, not the same presentation with a dozen different titles!

I am probably best known for my Border Collies Nell and Rosie, who go to most places with me. Those who know them will know they seek attention (and biscuits) wherever they go and are probably the best known dogs in beekeeping. I spent three days at the 2015 National Honey Show, where I kept a tally of the number of people who asked me where Nell was - 29! I don't mind being known because of my dogs!

Roger Patterson.

Page updated 16/11/2022